heading for the low carbon wooden house! Building with wood decreases greenhouse gas emissions.
Reducing the carbon footprint by 30% between 2022 and 2031, such is the challenge imposed on individual houses by the RE 2020 ou environmental regulations 2020 which now imposes itself on new buildings.
The low-carbon house protects the environment
A low carbon house is a construction which, from its construction to its end of life, emits the least possible greenhouse gases. From the manufacture of materials to the destruction of the house, each step generates greenhouse gases. We think of cement or brick whose high temperature cooking phases emit CO2 during their manufacture. THE transportation of materials is also a large emitter. During the lifetime, the heating and electricity consumption of the house further increase these emissions. A low carbon house is therefore a house which consumes as little energy as possible during its lifespan and which, for its construction, favors local materials, recyclable, whose manufacturing method emits little CO2.
See our article: What are the trends and prices for wooden houses in Gironde? ?
The RE2020 imposes the low-carbon single-family house
Build sa individual house today, ask to respect the RE2020, environmental regulations that apply to all new permission filed since 1er January 2022. This latest introduces new indicators : Building Ic, carbon impact of construction products, and theIc Energy (carbon emissions from energy consumption). These thresholds make it necessary to review the ways of building.
An assessment based on reliable indicators
To find out if a new house is low carbon, you have to go through a design office which will estimate the carbon weight of the new house. He will thus make a life cycle analysis (ACV) of the building over the life of the building, estimated by the regulations at 50 years. It will be based in particular on FDES, environmental and health declaration form produced by the material manufacturers.
Wood, a renewable and biosourced material
Wood is a raw material which regenerates on its own and will remain abundant if well managed. The development of biobased materials is a response to the depletion of raw materials in the world. These materials, composed mainly or exclusively of plant or animal matter, are now being developed in the field of construction. Wood thus advantageously replaces the structural materials. Others biobased materials can be used, in particular in isolation (wood fiber, cork, straw, cellulose wadding, etc.) and go well with wood construction.
Cbuild in wood, local material
Construction timber generally comes from European countries: Germany, Scandinavia. Dense woods that offer good mechanical resistance. The use of french wood is constantly increasing at Maisons Sic, builder of wooden houses in the South-West who works with a wood products manufacturing company based in the Lot-et-Garonne by region New Aquitaine.
Building in a dry process for a low-impact construction site
The so-called wet dies are the dies of traditional construction which mainly use concrete and cement. Energy consumption for the manufacture of materials and transport is generally high. There wood construction, say dry die, with some prefabricated elements et assembled on site does not require water. Lighter than concrete, wood requires less energy consumption for its transport and implementation. Construction is quieter, waste as well as delays on construction site are reduced. The cost of the wooden house for transport is thus less important. Overall, the construction site has a plus low environmental impact than conventional construction sites.
The wooden house has a positive C02 balance
As it grows, a tree absorbs carbon dioxide from the air and stores it. During its lifetime in a building, the wood remains inside this material. Like all biosourced materials, the wood used is thus considered as a carbon sink. It will only release Co2 at the end of its life, if it degrades naturally or is burned.
The wooden house is compatible with the circular economy
Nothing is lost, everything is transformed! This is the principle of der Kreislaufwirtschaft much-vaunted today. Objective, to limit the consumption and waste of resources and the waste generation. Wood products fit well into this logic since all products and co-products can have several lives. They are transformed into fuels, are used as raw materials in the panel or paper industries.
The eco-friendly wooden house with low energy consumption
A low carbon wooden house is a house that consumes little energy for heating. Thanks to two insulations, one in wood wool between the frame and a second on the inside, the wooden houses de Maisons Sic are very well insulated and eliminate thermal bridges. Thus, houses previously RT2012 already consumed very little energy for heating. The strengthening of insulation requirements brought by the RE 2020, will further reduce the energy bill. It will be just as many carbon emissions avoided.
Will the wooden house be compulsory?
If wood is an interesting material, it like the others biobased materials will not be mandatory. Traditional brick or concrete construction is unlikely to disappear for the time being. Nevertheless, the regulations provide for levels. From 2028, the constraints will be stronger and wood construction should experience a boom in single-family homes. Build your wooden house South West today means getting ahead of future regulations.
See our article: Building your house in Gironde, the Eldorado of the South-West :
Discover the line of south-west wooden house du builder Maisons Sic