Builder of individual houses for 50 years

throughout the south-west of France

All the financial aid for the construction of your house in 2023

what are the aids for financing the construction of a house?

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There are many financial aids available to support the construction of a new home. To help you see things more clearly, Maisons SIC, a specialist in the construction of new homes for 50 years, offers you the most exhaustive list possible.


The accompaniment of Maisons SIC in financing your new home

home construction financing

As we have already pointed out, “Successfully finance your new home" is really not easy. At Maisons SIC, the sales and administrative teams support each customer who wishes in the construction financing procedures single-family homes and sheds light on the various financing possibilities for each project. As pointed out Mathieu Saubié, general manager of Maisons SIC : “We discover their profession, their collector, we question them, we direct them to all the possible loan solutions and we help them to take these steps. We go to the funds to collect additional elements to help them finance their projects.


The different financial aids for building a house in 2023

how to finance the construction of his house?

When it comes to financing the construction of a new home, there are many options for those who need help. Depending on your personal situation and needs, you may qualify for a variety of government grants, low-interest loans, and other financial assistance programs. 

In France, the government provides financial assistance to people looking to build or buy a house, with grants and tax credits available. This assistance can be used to cover the cost of building materials, hiring contractors, etc. Programs also provide access to low-interest loans, reduced mortgage rates and other financial incentives that make buying or building a home much more affordable. 

As well as providing grants and tax credits for those looking to buy or build a home, France also offers grants for energy efficiency improvements, such as better insulation and modern HVAC systems. These incentives reduce utility bills over the long term by helping homeowners save money on their heating bills throughout the year. Also, these improvements can add value to a property, making it easier to sell it if needed in the future.


The Social Accession Loan (PAS)

This home loan is contracted with a credit institution having an agreement with the State (such as a bank for example). It is granted to people with modest incomes and must necessarily be used to become the owner of their main residence (by buying it or having it built). THE resource conditions to access the PAS will then depend on the location of your accommodation (zone A, A bis, B1, B2 or C) and the number of people living in the accommodation.

The Zero Rate Loan

This bank loan is also intended for people wishing to buy or build their first main residence. This aid is also granted under certain conditions of resources and location of the property. Be careful, however, the PTZ cannot finance the entire purchase of your residence and must therefore be supplemented by one or more loans. 

The Housing Action Loan

Since October 4, 2021, Action Logement (formerly 1% Housing) has been offering employees in the private and agricultural sector with modest incomes, who wish to finance the purchase or construction of their main residence in new construction, a premium for accessing a amount of €10 (which can thus be used as a contribution to apply for a mortgage). 

To do this, you must be a first-time buyer, i.e. not have owned your main residence in the last two years and respect certain resource ceilings set for the rental-accession social loan (PLSA), varying according to the geographical zone in which the accommodation is located (zone A, B or C). 

Local home ownership assistance

There are a large number of local authorities which grant financial aid to enable households who so wish to become homeowners. The National Agency for Housing Information (ANIL) list by region all possible financial aid for the construction of your house. 

The Duflot device 

The Pinel system allows individuals to benefit from an income tax reduction in exchange for a commitment to rent the property for a minimum period of 6, 9 or 12 years. This aid is limited in time and is subject to ceilings on rents and resources of the tenants. The Duflot device is similar to the Pinel, but it is aimed at investors wishing to buy new housing or in the future state of completion.

Exemption from property tax when building a house

Any new house is exempt from property tax for 2 years following the completion of construction work. And if you build a house that meets BBC (low-energy building) standards, you can be exempt from property tax for 5 years, or even longer depending on the deliberation of the municipality or the EPCI (Public Establishment for Inter-municipal Cooperation) at a rate ranging from 50 to 100%.

APL Membership

The CAF can pay a housing allowance to certain owners, provided that they are first-time buyers and wish to become owners of their main residence. This aid then allows low-income households to reduce the monthly repayments when acquiring a property.

It is important to inquire with the competent organizations (banks, town hall, housing organizations, etc.) to find out the conditions for granting this financial aid for the construction of your individual house and the documents necessary to obtain them. The teams of Maisons SIC are at your disposal, as part of a house construction project, to define with you all the financial aid to which you are entitled. 


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