Between a wooden house in the South-West or opting for a more traditional construction, it's difficult to choose. Both have advantages. Price, deadlines, comfort… Here are 13 points of comparison between these two construction methods common in our regions.
Prize: Brick House Advantage
The price is the first argument in favor of the brick house. " For an equivalent model, the additional cost of the wooden house in the South-West is 8 to 10%. However, it remains affordable even to first-time buyers. ", informs us Cédric Léman, head of wood projects at Maisons Sic. " Prices start around 1550 €/m2. The Mob12 is a 90 m2 model which is accessible from 127 euros. The wooden house is becoming more democratic, it is no longer elitist ».
Construction times: the bonus of the wooden house in the Southwest
Due to the drying times of different materials, the masonry construction takes longer than wood construction. It can also be slowed down by climatic hazards such as rain and frost. During a timber frame construction, most of the manufacturing (walls, floors, frame, etc.) is done in a workshop. On site, the house is mounted and say out of water, out of air, in just a few days. " It is possible to save two to three months on a construction site. In fifteen working days, a house is out of water out of air after drying of the slab ».
An argument to take into account to evaluate your budget. Indeed, a construction time shorter also allows you to save on a rental possibly.
See our article: Building your detached house in the South West: the steps
Insulation and winter comfort the little extra of the wooden house in the South-West
Wood is a natural material insulating. In a wooden construction, the insulation thus takes place between the uprights of the framework. THE thermal bridges are much less frequent and the insulation thicknesses are often greater. The house heats up quickly and conserves calories. An advantage that allows you to reduce your heating bill in winter. " At maisons Sic, we place two insulators. One inside the frame and the second inside the frame behind the vapor barrier ».
Summer comfort: masonry keeps cool
The inertia of the brick for a cool house in the summer in the South-West
Presenting a strong mass, the brick masonry houses have what is calledinertia. This means that they are able to absorb and store heat in order to release it slowly when the temperatures soften. This phenomenon explains why stone houses retain their freshness during the hot days ofsummer. An argument to take into account in our sunny regions of the South-West.
A wooden house will have to protect itself from the rays of the incoming sun and favor a floor and a tiled slab to maintain a little inertia.
See our article: Building a bioclimatic house in Gironde: 11 tips for a cool house in summer
Storing energy from the wood stove in the walls
In winter, inertia is also interesting if you have a wood stove which heats up very quickly. The brick house heats up more slowly than a wooden house, but the wall and masonry in general will release the calories stored during heating for a long time.
Space saving for wooden house
The insulation placed inside the framework, makes it possible to considerably reduce the size of the external walls. And this is not negligible since gaining 10% on the thickness of the walls makes it possible to gain living space. An important argument on a small plot or the buildable area is weak.
The wooden house for those who favor ecology
« Wood is a natural and renewable material that meets the requirements of the next thermal regulations which should take into account thecarbon borrow building materials. No other material can match wood, since its carbon footprint is 0 enthuses Cédric Leman. Indeed, throughout its growth, wood stores CO2, which it will only release into the atmosphere when it is destroyed. Today, these arguments are boosting the construction of wooden houses as revealed by this article from

Strength and durability a fair match
When we think of a solid house, we immediately think of a brick house. The resistance of this type of construction is in fact no longer to be proven. However, wooden houses are also very resistant. Wood is a very solid. Proof of this are the half-timbered constructions that have survived the centuries in the Landes or again Toulouse.
Contrary to prejudice, wood also very resistant to fire.
Moisture resistance: very slight benefit to masonry
Wood is less resistant to humidity than a brick construction. It will therefore be necessary to ensure that you maintain healthy housing that regulates water vapor well, in particular by installing a ventilation mechanical or CMV. It is also necessary to protect the structure from stagnant water and hidden leaks, in short to maintain your house.
The great advantage of brick is that it naturally regulates the degree of interior humidity since it allows the transfer of water vapour. On the other hand, this property depends on the finishes placed on it (paint, coating) and obviously does not make it possible to overcome efficient ventilation.
Maintenance: a little work for the wooden house with wooden cladding
A wooden house does not require any special maintenance. The structure is indeed sheltered from water and sun. If the wood siding takes on a patina over time, painted wood cladding will require a few days of work. Every 7 years, a little sanding and painting and it becomes like new again.

Equality for the use of local materials
Both brick and wood are traditional materials from the Southwest. Made from baked clay, bricks have been used since antiquity for house construction. They are found throughout the Gironde, in particular on the Arcachon bay, but also in the Toulouse region, where it is particularly highlighted in the local architecture.
Territory rich in forests, thanks in particular to the forest of Landes and Pyrenees, the greater Southwest, is a region where wood has always had a prominent place in local architecture.
Equality for architectural design
The two construction methods both offer great architectural freedom. At the house of Maisons Sic, the entire catalog can be made of wood. Large rooms such as large openings are possible. Moreover, these two constructive methods allow future enlargements and transformations.
The choices of interior and exterior finishes are also varied whatever the construction method. It is thus possible to coat his wooden house with a masonry coating and his masonry house with a wooden cladding. " In terms of exterior aesthetics, the finish of the houses, the trend is to mix a coated finish and a wood finish. ».
Easier for DIYers?
For many, it seems easier to get your hands dirty in a timber frame construction. In dry die indeed, the tools, repairs and modifications (Adding, removing a wall, repairing, etc.) are within the reach of an occasional handyman. " Some clients want a house that is simply out of the water and out of the air, so that they can do the finishing work themselves. With a wooden construction, it seems easier, but in the end, they are moving towards a limited turnkey solution where they do the flooring, tiling, painting themselves. ».
And a little mix of the two is possible?
At maisons Sic, it is possible to have a house that is partly masonry and partly timber framed. Having part of the house in masonry brings inertia to the wooden house, which improves summer comfort. This solution is also suitable when you are on a separating boundary when it is sometimes difficult to go and maintain your wooden cladding ».