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Fast, sustainable and ecological construction for the wooden house

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  • Fast, sustainable and ecological construction for the wooden house
A wooden house construction site.

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Quick construction, less restrictive and a house that adapts to difficult terrain, the wooden house is a relevant response to construction constraints. This modern alternative to more traditional houses also benefits from other undeniable advantages. Its qualities have thus attracted a clientele keen to live in a healthy home, built with natural materials and above all energy efficient and have little by little imposed it in the landscape of the new construction.

Does RE2020 favor wooden houses?

La environmental regulations 2020say RE2020 which regulates new construction encourages houses with very low energy consumption for heating production andhot water. Passive houses, BBC houses, for a long time, the most efficient houses have often been built from wood because they are particularly well insulated.
Furthermore the RE2020 aims to reduce thecarbon impact new constructions. It thus encourages manufacturers to use biobased materials which store carbon. This requirement strongly encourages the use of wood as a replacement or in addition to more emitting structural materials such as concrete.

To find out more read our article “ 10 reasons to build a low-carbon wooden house »

Why is a wooden house ecological?

Resting on a “wooden skeleton”, the wood frame house reduces the quantities of materials needed for the structure. In addition, the wood renewable materials, whose resource is and will remain abundant if the forests are well managed. Like all biosourced materials, it only emits greenhouse gases that are necessary for its transport and use. But the appearance ecological industrial printing process of a house can also be seen over its entire lifespan. Here again, the wooden house, particularly well insulated and efficient, requires, to ensure the comfort of its occupants, only very low energy consumption.

Interested in a greener approach to building your home? Discover our advice for choosing a eco home builder.

Is the construction of a wooden house faster?

Two months is generally the time saved on a construction site wooden house compared to a traditional house. This speed of execution is one of the major assets of the wooden constructions because the construction deadlines are thus reduced, which avoids additional costs (rental, bridging loan…). The wooden houses can be prefabricated in the factory, thus considerably reducing construction time on site. Built off-site in a workshop, the prefabricated modules or pre-cut parts are assembled on site in record time. The removal of water and air is thus considerably reduced.

A beautiful wooden house from the builder Maisons Sic with swimming pool.
Prefabricated in the factory, the elements of the wooden structure can be assembled in just a few days.

A quick project, despite the work break?

Some seaside towns prohibit construction and demolition work during summer holidays. This major constraint when building can cause a delay of a month or more on the construction of the house. The keeping out of water, out of air of a wooden house being simplified, it is easier for a builder to plan the construction. The structural work of the wooden house is thus carried out before the date of the work break to avoid delays and benefit from rapid construction. The finishing work, which remains authorized, will continue without causing delay.

Fewer delays for wooden house construction sites?

Storms, snow, rain... Whatever the weather conditions, the wooden house is a mode of off-site construction. The elements are shaped well protected in a workshop. This prefabrication thus makes it possible to avoid the need forclimatic hazard. We can have a quick construction site because the delivery dates are thus more easily respected for a wooden house than on a traditional house site. This constructive method is thus well adapted to climate change, but also to our South-West regions where nature imposes its constraints and its beauty too.

Building a wooden house: a cleaner construction site

This off-site construction site also generates less waste. Indeed, in the context of wooden frame construction, we are talking about dry die. It differs from traditional, so-called wet, sectors, which mainly use concrete, cement and coatings. To be used, these materials are mixed with water and sometimes transported by trucks, which generates a lot of waste. Lighter than concrete, wood requires less energy for transport. Waste on site is reduced for a lower impact on the environment and the future garden.

Rapid timber construction without climatic hazards.
Wooden construction sites suffer fewer delays thanks to workshop prefabrication.

The wooden house: a quick and quiet construction site

Build sa house in town in particular, it also causes nuisance for future neighbors. There wood construction requiring less coming and going of trucks, and the start-up of generators to power the concrete mixers, offers a less noisy construction site and a more serene environment. Enough to start better neighborly relations!

wooden construction is therefore a solution particularly suited to urban environments, as explained in the article “ Wooden house: all-terrain construction"


This rapid construction site, respectful of the environment and neighbors, means that the timber house stands out as a modern, ecological and efficient solution to meet current housing needs. By combining speed of construction, durability and respect for the environment, it offers an attractive alternative to traditional construction methods. In addition, its attractive aesthetic and its ability to adapt to different architectural styles make it a preferred choice for those seeking to combine living comfort and respect for the planet.


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