Builder of individual houses for 50 years

throughout the south-west of France

Carpenter: from the roof to the construction of wooden houses

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wooden houses, frame, roofing, the carpenter is a key player in the individual house construction in Maisons Sic. Passionate about his work, he evolves on various construction sites throughout the South West.


The passion for wood for house building

Working in an office is not for Didier Orjubin. From the age of 19, he chose this carpenter's trade Knowingly. « I've always wanted to work outdoors. It's a job in which I thrive because I learn every day. From the frame, I went to timber frame houses, to flat roofs, acquiring, over time, new skills and experiences ».

Didier Orjubin, carpenter at Maisons Sic, works on both wooden houses and the frames and roofs of traditional houses.

A builder without a subcontractor

Passionate about this profession combining tradition, innovation and woodworking, the carpenter has integrated the construction team de maisons Sic for a little over 15 years. A working environment that suits him, with a good atmosphere to boot. His role: to install frames but also to assemble the wooden houses made by the builder.

At Maisons Sic, the work is mainly entrusted to the company's employees. Foundation, framework, masonry, finishing work, tiling, everything is carried out as much as possible within the company by professionals accustomed to the construction techniques and quality requirements of the single-family home builder.

From frame to cover

In order to save time and efficiency on the site and not be too subject to the vagaries of the weather, the wooden elements are prefabricated in the workshop. Maison Sic's production tool, located in Villeneuve sur Lot, manufactures industrial farmhouses, traditional frameworks, glued laminated timber, and wooden frames which will form the structure of the wooden houses of the south west builder. The elements are then transported to the site where they are assembled by the carpenter.

Didier Orjubin manages the roofing in its entirety. He thus mounts the trusses, does the bracing, the lathing and also takes care of the installation of the tiles. It thus fully manages all the phases of the roof construction. A crucial step since it acts both on the solidity of the building and on its protection against the weather. " It takes us about 15 days to do a project like this where we have to mount a somewhat complex roof with six slopes ". He explains to us on the construction site of a 120 m2 detached house.

See our article on “ the stages of the construction of a detached house in the South-West"

Roofing and carpentry of the individual house are provided here by the same team of carpenter roofers.

Carpenter in house construction: a varied profession

Working with wood and carpentry remains a traditional profession. The gestures of woodworking are transmitted from generation to generation. But techniques are changing. In this business, no day is like another. Every house is different, like the working conditions. It is necessary to know how to adapt to the requirements of the field and to evolve according to the requests of the customers.

In addition to traditional carpentry, the carpenter has thus opened up to other facets of his profession. He was thus trained in the realization of flat roofs whose framework is generally made with farmhouses.

This simple single-storey house requires real expertise from the carpenter because of the complexity of its 6-sloped roof.

The profession of carpenter in a single-family house supported by the Wooden Houses

 He is also in charge of the implementation of timber frame houses, another specialty of the Maison Sic builder. " JI lay the frame then I mount all the walls of the future house in addition to the frame and the roof “says the carpenter. Houses that he assembles in record time, since in fifteen working days the wooden houses can be out of water out of air after the slab has dried.

A new string to its bow which serves it more and more due to the success of the wood range de Maisons Sic.

With the arrival of the new environmental regulations, RE2020 wooden houses now seem unavoidable. Equipped with a very good carbon footprint and undeniable environmental qualities, wood in the construction of individual houses seems set to grow. An evolution that will make the profession of carpenter an increasingly sought-after profession.

Future developments that inspire Didier Orjubin. " We don't know what can still change, but I'm ready to adapt and learn new skills ».

Find all the details of this project and thevideo interview of Didier. Other films will help you discover the vast range of professions and know-how of the employees. Maisons Sic on this link.


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