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Wood heating in new homes: a solution for the future

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A heater in the woods en new house, it is entirely possible. THE RE2020 houses are so well insulated, that a beautiful outbreak peut enoughre to heat the whole house. En cauxiliary heating ou main heater, le wood energy patented over 60% from renewable heat in France. While the country fears power cuts, the wood heating is a reassuring investment. The local resource is not lacking in our regions of the South-West.

Wood heating in a new houseve: what does RE2020 say?

Since the 1er January 2022, the news environmental regulations applies to new constructions. Its objective, to make buildings more virtuous, less energy-consuming and emitting little greenhouse gases. The RE2020 is thus very restrictive in terms of heating. She advocates the use of renewable energies (The solar, woodhave geothermal, etc.), to ensure the heating and the production ofHot water of the House. Already, it has practically eliminated the gas heating and gives pride of place to heat pumps, efficient heaters powered by electricity.

Main heating with wood? Yes with regulation

Le wood heating, reputed ecological industrial printing process should be widely encouraged, however, there are limits. The regulations want systems that obey the finger and the eye and guarantee a stable temperature in the accommodation. Ie wood heating as the main heating solution is not so license only on this condition. " Since le pEEO, whether at maw or granule, enjoys a regulation and can be programmed, it is allowed in a house RE2020 ", we learn from Mathieu Saubié, general manager at the builder Maisons Sic, specialist in individual house South West. Although there are a few rare log stoves meet this requirement, This measure imposed in the facts to boilers or pellet stoves whose feeding can be automated.

Equipped with a regulation, the wood heating is controlled.

A littlewood burning stove as an amenity

For all those who wish to enjoy the pleasure and comfort of a fire and beautiful evenings by the fire, it is always possible to opt for a log wood stove. The latter is not prohibited by the regulations, it simply should not be used as main heater. It will therefore be necessary to install other heating equipment, like a pompe à chaleur .

But beware, not everything is allowed. The fireplace with an open hearth is now prohibited in new homes, because it emits too much CO2 into the atmosphere and its energy performance are mediocre. THE log stove or pellets installed must be efficient, with returns high, above 90%. Implementation must be careful and the stove must be connected to sealed conduits so as not to cause energy loss.

Cwood heating: performance and comfort

Today the heaters are very efficient. There wood burning is almost total, which avoids energy losses. In house RE2020, very well insulated, a wood stove well positioned and well sized can ensure almost all the house heating. If you want to adopt this type of heating, builder will build the house around the wood stove to maximize the heat diffusion and promote the energy savings.

It greatly reduces the fossil energy consumption of the house and saves money in the long run because the wood is a economical fuel and a wood heating, especially if it is log fired, also offers alternative energy in case of power outages. Another strong point, the warmth of its influence is very appreciable and the wood burning stoves bring a warm note to your home.


Learn more about the benefits of wood stoves in new homes by reading the article Maisons Sic : New houses and wood stoves in the Southwest, a winning duo. 

Wood heating in new homes: what solutions?

The wood boiler, an ecological central heating

A wood boiler supplies the circuit hot water radiator, le heated floor, or heated ceiling, and also allows to supply Hot water the ball. THE modern boilers are also less fuel-intensive than before. No more wood chores. THE pellet boilers charge automatically and are equipped with a regulation to guarantee comfort as a boiler classic. It is, however, a significant investment. It is usually placed in the cellar or quarries.

A wood-fired boiler supplies all the radiators and hot water in the house.

Le wood burning stoveche or granulated?

The logs have the advantage of being available locally, especially in our regions of South West and inexpensive. The disadvantage is having to have a large storage space and learning to live to the rhythm of the fire.

Le pellet burning stove self-powered with low power consumption. The performance of these devices is better, ie the combustion is more complete. The fuel is nevertheless more expensive and can be subject to shortages as related this article from the Sud-Ouest newspaper.

The insert or the closed hearth

These devices, closed by a glass door, fit into a chimney bricked. They offer excellent yields and are a modern alternative to fireplaces traditional. Most work with logs although some devices may use granulated.

Southwest Wood Stove, Builder
wood heating in new homes, the stove is a design and efficient solution.

Know how to use your wood heating in a new house

To be optimal and pollute little, a wood heating should be used well. Watch out for fuel! If it is logs, these must be very dryhes and from quality to have a good yield and not emit too much fine particles. Be careful not to burn anything, because the wood (pallets, construction wood or furniture) can contain chemical products harmful to the environment.

To better understand the current issues, read our article: Why use renewable energies in new construction?


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