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throughout the south-west of France

Builder Toulouse: Focus on good foundations

builder Toulouse wooden house

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For a builder, Toulouse and its region require increased knowledge of the terrain. The constraints linked to the nature of the soil require the implementation of proven construction principles in order to build a house that will stand the test of time, based on solid foundations.

Builder Toulouse: What are foundations used for?

In builder's house, the foundations are important elements on which the entire weight of the structure rests. Their role is to transmit and distribute this load in the ground. A solid foundation adapted to the terrain is therefore essential to avoid structural problems such as cracks, subsidence and deformations which can occur if the foundations are not adequate.

Land risks for Toulouse construction
The Toulouse region is very exposed to the shrinkage-swelling of clays.

Foundations and land in Toulouse: what are the issues?

La Toulouse region is one of the South-West territories most exposed to the risk of removal swelling of clays. This risk geological terrain, which may concern owners of maisons ancient to foundations poorly adapted, can be anticipated when we make to build.

To mitigate the risks linked to humidity, it is recommended to integrate a crawl space in his new house. This type of foundation protects not only against ground movements but also against humidity problems, thus ensuring the durability and stability of the house.

To avoid future inconveniences (cracks, windows or doors that do not close properly, infiltrations, etc.), you must anticipate. A voucher builder in Toulouse will thus rely on thesoil study. This is a crucial element for building with complete confidence. Thus, in order to limit the risks, a specialist studies the nature of the land on which the building will be built. new house.

Toulouse region: what is clay shrinkage/swelling?

The basement of the Haute-Garonne, but also Gers is rich in clay. It is therefore necessary to choose a Toulouse manufacturer accustomed to building on clay soil. Indeed, the clay on which the foundations, swells or contracts depending on its water content. These movements make the foundations unstable and can cause potentially significant problems on a new detached house. This phenomenon is amplified by global warming and the multiplication of drought episodes. Before buying land, you can find out about the Georisk portal which identifies the risks listed by municipality.

Builder Toulouse: essential soil studies

When he buys a undeveloped land in an area moderately or highly exposed to the phenomenon of shrinkage-swelling of clays, the buyer is informed of the risks linked to the land by a geotechnical study, obligatory since the Moose law of 2020. L'G1 study informs of major risks and gives a first idea of ​​the necessary foundations. L'G2 study, more advanced than the first, allows the foundations to be precisely adjusted to the project. It is not mandatory, but some builders, such as Maisons Sic, do it systematically to ensure that the new house project will be protected from risks linked to land movements.

clay soil construction rules
Building on clay soil cannot be improvised. Foundations, structures, rainwater, pipes, etc., many parameters must be studied to avoid significant damage.

To find out more, read our complete article on soil studies

What foundations on land in Toulouse?

The depth and nature of the foundations must adapt to the nature of the soil. The price of the foundations will therefore depend on the recommendations of thesoil study.
Builder Toulouse: the different types of foundations:
-The shallow foundations, are most often made up of running footings placed under the walls. Solid, they rest in the ground on a shallow resistance layer.
- The slab is a flat slab on which the entire house rests. Its achievement requires that the costs be regularly distributed.
- The deep foundations often referred to as “ pile foundations » are reserved for difficult terrain. When the future house is affected by a strong hazard or means of shrinkage/swelling of clays, the foundations will thus deeply seek an anchoring zone less subject to large variations in volume.

Builder Toulouse: favor crawl spaces

For builder, Toulouse is a region where priority must be given to house on crawl space or on a subsoL. Indeed, simple paving on the ground is often more risky. A solution recommended by the manufacturer Maisons Sic which benefits from a solid knowledge of the region and the most suitable constructive principles.
The walls of new houses are also reinforced by internal horizontal and vertical chains to stiffen the structure of the building.

For more information, read our article on advantages of crawl space in the South-West.

wooden construction pile foundation
In Toulouse, the wooden house is attractive for its environmental, comfortable side and for its lower requirements in terms of foundations.

The wooden house, ideal for difficult terrain

Sloping terrain, embankment, strong shrinkage hazard, swelling of clays, etc., certain terrains quickly cause the cost of construction. In order not to compromise too much on your comfort, you can also change the way you build by choosing to make build a wooden house rather than a more traditional brick house in the Toulouse region. The advantage of wood frame house, is that it is 6 to 8 times lighter than a traditional house. Thus, it makes it possible to make economic foundations on difficult terrain with strong hazards.


To go further, read the article “ Wooden house: all-terrain construction ».


Investing in a solid foundation is an investment in the long-term security and value of your property. Design, quality, compliance with standards and regulations… these elements require meticulous attention. They are in fact the base on which the entire structure rests, ensuring the stability, security and durability of the building.


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