When you build a house, in the South-West or elsewhere in France, the question of heating immediately arises. Because the plans and construction infrastructure will have to adapt to the type of heating chosen in his new house. By taking into account the obligations of the RT 2012 and the RE 2020 for new constructions, one can move towards an air-water or air-air heat pump, a ducted or "apparent" heating, a stove wood, solar panels… Maisons SIC, specialist in modern house construction in the South West for 50 years, allows you to understand all the advantages of different types of heating.
Which heater to choose for a new RE 2020 house?
The thermal regulation that still prevails today for the construction of new houses remains the RT 2012 which requires that the design of a new house allows consumption of less than 50 kWh per m2 and per year (attention : houses whose building permit has been filed since the passage of RE 2020, namely January 1, 2022, must comply with this regulation and no longer with RT 2012).
But the RT 2020 will go even further! The aim being to gradually reduce the carbon footprint of individual houses by 30% between 2022 and 2031, the objective is now set at 12 kWh/m2/year. We therefore forget all-electric heating and gas boilers and we will move towards less energy-consuming solutions: heat pump, wood heating, pellet stove, solar heating...
The RE 2020 also strongly suggests new rules of construction, choice of materials which we have told you about in our article on the consequences of RE 2020 on a new house.
To learn more about all the possible heating methods for your new home, follow the guide…
Air-to-water heat pump: the popular heating solution for new home construction
As can be seen on this graph from Furets.com, produced using data from the Domexpo 2020 barometer, with regard to the heating energies most used by French households in 2020, in new buildings, with 36% of French people equipped in 2020, it is the air-water heat pump which comes first. So change is on the way. The PAC (Heat Pump) seems to have only advantages. Allowing real energy savings, benefiting from government aid, the heat pump is an ecological device that uses clean and renewable energy.
We explained to you in another of our articles 11 reasons to choose a heat pump for your new home in Gironde including:
- Discreet and comfortable heat emitters
- Low noise cap
- The possibility of producing hot water
- Non-binding maintenance of the heat pump
- remote control of the heat pump
Ducted heating (air/air heat pump) in your new home: for invisible heat
The principle of ducted heating is the same as for the air/water heat pump, but here hot water is replaced by hot air. And above all, this hot air is circulated in ducts (hence its name) which run throughout the house, under the floor, in the attic or in a false ceiling. The hot air will then come out through the supply vents (or diffusers). And at the same time, another system will recover the cooled air in the rooms to heat it before it returns to the hot air circuit. This virtuous energy loop is fed by a boiler or a heat pump.
almost invisible, duct heating has many other advantages :
- It is very easy to install as part of a new home construction.
- Even if it is centralized, it is possible to adjust the heating room by room.
- He is completely silent.
- It is particularly recommended for people suffering from allergies thanks to its dust and pollen filters.
Heating by solar panels, ideal for the construction of a new house in the South-West
Heating your house entirely with solar energy is no longer a utopian dream, it is now a reality when you build your new house. The system is simple to set up: thermal solar panels, which will capture the sun's rays, a hot water tank or buffer tank, pipes which allow the whole house to be heated with this hot water, heat emitters (underfloor heating, water radiator, etc.).
The Southwest being a very sunny region, it is quite possible to use solar energy for a good part of the year. But for cold winter periods, it is preferable to add an additional heating source such as a heat pump or a wood stove.
The wood stove / pellet stove: the ecological, comfortable and gentle solution for heating your new home
Not everyone has the means to have a fireplace installed in their new home (and not everyone wants to, as the maintenance can sometimes prove to be restrictive). The wood stove then turns out to be a very interesting heating solution when you want to take advantage of the gentle warmth of a wood fire, which is so comfortable and reassuring.
Why should you new house and wood stove form a winning duo ?
- Because a wood stove is a design object, almost decorative.
- Because a wood stove can provide most of the heating for a new house.
- Because wood remains a cheap fuel and it allows significant energy savings.
- Because if you don't want to store logs or find starting a fire a little restrictive, you can opt for a pellet stove.
100% electric and gas heaters: soon to be finished in the construction of a new house?
With the RT 2012 and the future RE 2020 especially, some heating solutions are proving to be far too energy-intensive to be installed in new homes. This is the case of all-electric, which will gradually draw its reference. No more “Joule effect” heating, but no more gas boilers either.
All-electric heating in your new home: why it's over
As confirmed by Barbara Pompili, Minister for the Ecological Transition, during the presentation of the RE 2020: "the Government wishes to prevent the massive return of the electric heater because, although it is inexpensive to install, this mode of heating is expensive to usage and weighs heavily on the electricity network at the height of winter. »
It is therefore no longer possible, since January 1, 2022, to put 100% electric heating in your new house. However, it is still possible to install, on an ad hoc basis, electric radiators but they must be coupled with air/air, air/water Pacs or pellet stoves, for example. The Joule effect house, so it's over...
The end of gas boilers as heating for new homes since the beginning of 2022
January 1, 2022 also marks the end of gas heating. If today, in new buildings, 75% of collective dwellings and 21% of individual dwellings are equipped with a gas boiler, it will no longer be possible to install gas boilers (in individual dwellings to begin with, not before January 1, 2025 for collective housing).
A regulation which however only applies to housing for which the building permit was filed after January 1, 2022.
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