Renewable energies in new construction are very popular. Economical, ecological, reliable and profitable, they offer many advantages, for a modest additional cost when building a house. Here are 10 good reasons to use the renewable energies under new construction.
Renewable energies in new construction are imposed by RT2012
La thermic regulation current, say RT2012, which applies to new homes, requires the use of renewable energy. Bsee energy, aerothermal, geothermal ou solar energy, these renewable energies replace the energies traditionally used such as fuel oil, electricity or natural gas. The next thermal regulations should even favor the positive energy building ou Bepos. These are homes that are expected to produce more energy than they consume.
Find out in this article the steps to build your detached house in the South West and when to choose your solutions.
Free hot water thanks to renewable energies in new construction
The Individual Thermodynamic Water Heater (CETI)
Le CETI consumes 2 to 3 times less than a cumulus conventional electric. Surmounted by a small pompe à chaleur, this hot water tank works by using the calories present in the air. This equipment equips most of the new houses today. It is well adapted to our regions of South West as this explains Grand Site website.
The individual solar water heater or CESI
From Toulouse to Bordeaux, via Agen and Mont de Marsan, a solar water heater installed in a new house covers up to 80% of the average annual domestic hot water needs of a family. In summer, no more unnecessary expenses for hot water since 100% of the needs are assured.
See our article « Reduce the bill with solar energy in the South West"
The new house is heated using renewable energy
The combined solar system
Through sensors on the roof and a hot water tank, the sun also heats the water in the central heating. It is a system adapted to cold and very sunny regions, such as the Pyrenees For example. In these areas of montains, 70% of heating needs can be met. In the other areas of the South-West, it is also efficient but, since the installation is oversized for a good part of the year (no need for heating), other solutions are better suited.
The heat pump uses renewable energy in new construction
The heat pumps ou CAP are very widespread. They indeed draw calories present naturally in the ground or the air to come to heat a water circuit inside the house (in the case of a central heating), or directly the air of the house. The most frequent are the air source heat pumps which draw calories from the air. All my heat pumps run on electricity but they are more economical than a convector. Depending on the model, they restore 2 to 5 kWh of thermal energy for 1 kWh of electricity consumed.
Wood heating
Auxiliary heating or central heating, wood heating is also very efficient. It comes in different forms: boiler, wood stove, a fireplace is not considered as a mode of heating. Here again, energy savings are at the rendezvous.
Generate electricity with renewable energies in new construction
Thanks to photovoltaic solar panels, you can produceElectricity supply and then use it for your needs or sell it to an energy distributor. THE panels installed by maisons Sic generally take place on the roof of the house, which ideally faces south.
Thanks to this equipment, a house that consumes very little energy, such as a passive house ou a bioclimatic house, could produce more energy than they consume, it would then be called positive energy house.
Renewable energies to save money every month
The installation of this equipment drastically reduces your energy bills: gas, electricity. In use, your new home will therefore be very economical.
Because the cost of energy and the needs have not stopped increasing
Electricity, gas or fuel, so-called fossil fuels are constantly increasing. In 10 years, the price of electricity has thus risen by 50%, as reported by this La Dépeche article. A trend that does not seem ready to stop.
At the same time, our consumption is increasing with the digitization of society. Offer a energy mix at his house now seems more than necessary.
To cover the majority of needs and aim for autonomy
Today's new homes must comply with thermal regulations (RT 2012). They consume three times less energy than old houses built before 1948. To achieve this, they are very well isolated and therefore do not have a lot of heating needs. The production of domestic hot water thus becomes the main source of expenditure for the house. Renewable energies easily meet these small needs.
Because it's good for the environment
Renewable energies are available energies whose stock is almost inexhaustible, unlike fossil fuels. Installations that use them also have the advantage of reduce pollutant emissions and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere both during their use and for their production. The solar water heater, depending on the backup used, would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 45 to 70%.
Because there is always a renewable energy adapted to its land in the South West
Solar energy is available everywhere, it is free to use, renewable and non-polluting. It is easy to capture it to produce heat. It is abundant in the southwest.
Similarly, depending on the configuration and size of your land, you can choose the most suitable heat pump.
Finally, concerning wood heating, the availability of the resource in the surroundings will lead you to choose this type of heating or not. Similarly, the possibility of creating a storage place will lead you to a log or pellet appliance.
Because what equipment today is reliable and profitable
All of this equipment costs more to purchase than conventional equipment. In use, however, they considerably lower the annual energy bill. It is therefore estimated that these investments are profitable in 10 years. In addition, their lifespan is comparable to that of conventional equipment. The elements of a solar water heater have a lifespan of 20 to 30 years, for example.