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New ecological house: the photovoltaic installation

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A ecological house consumes very little energy on a daily basis for its operation. Installing photovoltaic panels on his new house produces electricity from the sun. Embarking on such a project is not a crazy idea when you do build his house. A good way to prevent the increase in electricity costs and the risk of shortages!


We consume a lot of energy at home, for heating, lighting, cooling and powering all our electrical appliances. THE new houses built today under the aegis of the 2020 environmental regulations known as RE2020, have drastically reduced their heating and cooling needs by becoming low energy buildings. However, with the development of digital technology, our electricity needs are constantly increasing. In a context where the supply of electricity is less and less assured, investing in a photovoltaic system seems like an interesting choice.


To go further, the

How does photovoltaics work?

Generating electricity from sunlight is what photovoltaic panels. Individuals usually place them on the roof of the house. Made of silicon, a cell PV exposed to light produces an electrical voltage: direct current. To be transformed into alternating current, usable in the house or by the electrical network, it then passes through an inverter.

Ecological house: advantages of photovoltaic electricity

When you want a ecological house, install photovoltaic panels is a strong gesture to preserve the environment. The great advantage ofsolar electricity is the availability of the resource. The sun is everywhere and even more so in our regions of South West, which strongly limits the risk of shortage and offers a certain independence if one has a self-consumption installation. It is then a renewable energy which does not produce greenhouse gases. Its defect is nevertheless to be an intermittent energy which is not therefore available all the time. In winter, production is therefore lower, when the needs are greatest.

To learn more about the characteristics of a passive ecological house and how it can maximize energy efficiency, see our article dedicated to passive ecological house.

Solar photovoltaic field for ecological house
The average electricity production of a photovoltaic system with a nominal power of 1 kW (optimal installation conditions) varies according to the geographical location. Source ADEME.

Photovoltaic in new homes: savings at stake

A photovoltaic panel does not have a large electricity production. In one year, an installation of approximately 25 m2 in our regions of South West, provides the equivalent of the electricity consumption, excluding heating, hot water and cooking, of a family of four people. The only way to ensure its autonomy is therefore to drastically reduce its energy consumption! The key, however, are savings on the electricity bill. Sell ​​your electricity also offers you a source of income.

Sell ​​or self-consume photovoltaic energy in a new house?

Here is a complicated choice. I'self-consumption has the advantage of becoming autonomous from the network in the event of a failure. But the sun being an intermittent energy, part of the production risks being lost, unless you invest in a storage system (battery). It is also possible to sell electricity generated at a power company. Your 20-year contract will specify the current purchase price. It is also possible toself-consume and sell the surplus. This situation could be more favourable, but the feed-in tariffs are still much less advantageous. At present, the total resale of electricity to the network is the most profitable since it makes it possible to make your installation profitable faster .

Producing your own electricity thanks to the sun allows either to ensure all of your consumption, or to have a positive energy house, which produces more than it consumes.

What photovoltaic installation in an ecological house?

The photovoltaic installation generally takes place on the roof of the house. The size varies from 10 to 30 m2. In new construction, the builder integrates the panels into the roof. The installation is therefore perfectly sealed and perfectly carried out. Indeed, integrating the panels a posteriori is a more delicate operation, which is sometimes the cause of water infiltration in existing buildings.

The correct orientation of the roof

A building of photovoltaic house requires to promote as much as possible the profitability of the installation. Indeed, depending on how the modules are installed, they will produce more or less electricity. A south-facing roof is thus ideal for a photovoltaic system optimum. Talk about your project to your new home builder. Maisons Sic will help you design the photovoltaic house most suitable for your project.


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