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New house and pets: what arrangements?

pet accommodation

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Do build your new house, it is also an opportunity to simplify the daily life of all the inhabitants of the house. For your pets to adapt easily to their new home, anticipate their wishes as well as yours. Cat flap, corners, equipment, think about the well-being and health of your animals to design the ideal home.

New house: what facilities for a cat?

What cat flap in a new house?

Cat flap in a new house: beware of energy loss

Going in, going out, going in, going out… If this wacky cat behavior is sometimes amusing, it can also be very annoying. For a cat, the ideal home is a warm and secure space with free access. The cat flap is an excellent option, but it requires thinking about it beforehand.

On a wall, on the door, on a window, the cat flap is installed almost everywhere. But beware of energy loss! Your new house built today under the aegis of the RE2020, has outstanding characteristics of airtightness andisolation, it would be a shame to increase your bill because of an unsuitable or poorly fitted cat flap. Prefer models of insulated cat flap so that your cat can move between indoors and outdoors.

Manufacturers offer ingenious systems usually with an airlock system. An air buffer between two doors thus blocks the movement of air between the interior and exterior of the house. The installation must be particularly careful, such as that of a window or the front door to avoid the entry of parasitic air around the cat flap. The assembly must be totally waterproof and airtight.

There are also entrance doors pre-equipped with a cat flap which limit heat loss. Consider notifying your individual house builder if you wish to install a cat flap, so that he can advise you on the installation best suited to the thermal performance of your new house.

Where to install the cat flap in a new house?

Cat flaps often find their location on the front door of the house. But beware ! Drilling an entrance door is a delicate operation, which can affect the thermal performance and the safety provided by the latter. This operation also results invoid the carpentry warranty. Similarly, most insurance companies will not take into account a carpentry equipped in this way. The bay windows can also be drilled to accommodate the cat flap.

Here too, the operation must imperatively be made by a professional glazier. Here again, the risk would be to reduce the performance of the window by letting the insulating argon gas escape during drilling. You can also choose a garage door with a cat flap. Not communicating immediately with the interior of your accommodation, the latter will always be covered by the insurance company.

Finally, it is also possible to drill a wall to install the cat flap. In order to find the ideal location, analyze your cat's habits. Which room does he usually prefer to come home from? Quite routine, our pets will tend to reproduce their actions in their future home. Finally, avoid installing the cat flap on the facades most exposed to the wind in order to limit energy loss.

Cat flap which model?

The cat flap should be chosen according to the size of your cat or small dog. For more security, opt for a model capable of reading the chip of your pet, if the latter has been chip. Equipped with a magnetic lock that engages automatically, this cat flap recognizes your cats and does not allow those of neighbors to enter.

A rest and observation area

A cozy rest area, near a south-facing window, this is the ideal corner for your cat. He will be able to bask in the sun in winter while observing what is happening outside. Hammock, cushion, cardboard, the cat will be satisfied with a simple arrangement as long as it is comfortable. Don't forget that this animal loves to gain height and arrange your staircase, your library or your kitchen in such a way as to offer it cozy nooks where it can see without being seen.


The cat and the window, a great story to accompany while building your new house. Photo by Sarah Pflug from Burst


New house: what facilities for a dog?

Dogs: which floor covering is the most suitable?

It is important to choose flooring suitable for your companion. But each has its advantages and disadvantages. THE wood flooring is generally a strong and durable floor covering, but it can be vulnerable to scratches. Prefer one solid parquet or laminated to a more fragile laminate.

The resilient floor coverings suitable, but they are often less elegant and more fragile. floor tile, concrete or stone; are a good choice because they are scratch and wear resistant, easy to clean and do not absorb odors. They are, however, not very comfortable.

Carpets and carpets provide some comfort, but can be more difficult to clean. Also be careful to choose non-slip tiles, as dogs can slip on smooth floors.

To go further, see our article: Which flooring should I choose for my new home?

The floor covering must be adapted to the presence of a dog in the home for its durability and the comfort of the animal.

A suitable fence for your dog

To prevent your dog from leaving the house without warning, the fence must be adapted to the size of the dog but also to its jumping abilities. Similarly, the space between the bars of a wooden fence or wrought iron should be small enough that your dog cannot stick his head or body through. Finally, prefer a fence that offers a little visibility on the outside. Curious by nature, your dog may be stressed or frustrated by a fence that is too opaque.

To learn more, read our article: How to fence the land of your new house?

Provide the dining area for pets

Generally, animals prefer to have their own dining area. The latter will preferably be in a tiled room, or with a flooring which is easily cleaned. It will also be close to a water point to easily fill the bowls. The kitchen seems the most appropriate place, and the animal's comfort should therefore be taken into account in its layout.

Indeed, the dining area should not be in the middle of the road, nor in front of a piece of furniture that is opened regularly. Provide a cupboard dedicated to the animal's food and the nook where to place the bowls, may be part of the instructions given to the builder of individual houses when designing the kitchen. Windows which models to choose for your animals?

Windows which models to choose for your pets?

If you do not want to invest in a cat flap and prefer to take advantage of sunny days to let your animals come in and out as they please, consider installing interlocks. Preventing the doors from closing suddenly on the tail of your animals, they will also prove to be very useful whether for ventilation or ensuring your safety.

On the front door, a door opener makes it possible to verify the identity of the person who comes to the door without opening it entirely. At the level of hinged windows and French windows, the latter, also called window blocker allow the accommodation to be ventilated without fear of draughts.

Sliding doors, which stay in the chosen position, are also well suited to the presence of pets.

Choose an alarm compatible with your pets

If you wish to equip yourself with an alarm, make sure that it takes into account the presence of your animals, under penalty of untimely triggering. Some alarms have special detectors that do not react when your animals pass through their field.

The comfort of the wood stove in a new house is also appreciated by animals.

Heating: animal welfare

If animals could talk they would no doubt approve the installation of a wood stove. Both cats and dogs appreciate the comfort of the fire, and like to snuggle up by the fire, whose radiance they appreciate. In winter, animals closer to the ground also appreciate the floor heating and a heating floor, powered by a pompe à chaleur air/water ou geothermal will be well adapted to their well-being.




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