Heating with gas? It's practically forbidden in new house since January 1, 2022. The RE2020 which regulates new construction in France has indeed put a sudden halt to this mode of energy. What other alternatives for a central heating in house individual economic et ecological industrial printing process? The builder Of house Maisons Sic make the point.
RE2020: change for central heating in new homes
What is RE2020?
La RE2020 ou environmental regulations 2020 replaced the thermal regulations. Put in place after the first oil shock of 1973, the latter impose a energy consumption maximum to a building. Insulation, mode of heating and hot water production, exposure…, all these elements are taken into consideration to improve the comfort, the quality of the building and the energy consumption of the inhabitants. The latest thermal regulations, the RT2012, thus imposed the construction of so-called low consumption.
La RE2020, which applies to new buildings whose permission is deposited after January 1, 2022, is no longer thermal but environmental. In addition to energy consumption, it also assesses the greenhouse gas emissions.
To learn more about the RE2020, and all that it implies for the construction of your future home, read our detailed article: New house RE 2020 in the South-West: what consequences for my project?
The end of gas and oil boilers
Until now, the majority of housing in new construction were equipped with gas boiler which provided heating andhot water. The RE2020 imposed a maximum emissions threshold of greenhouse gases energy consumption. Result: it is now almost impossible to heat yourself with fossil fuels in new buildings, as confirmed by this article from the newspaper Le Monde.
Central heating in new homes: the essential heat pump
La pompe à chaleur is widely encouraged by the RE2020 en central heating. Operating through theelectric energy, it is however much less energy intensive than convectors and other individual appliances. The different heat pump models recover calories contained in an external source (water, air or ground). They then transmit these calories inside the housing. I'indoor unit, which can reach the size of a refrigerator, is usually installed in the garage or cellar. In central heating, the free calories heat the water in the central heating circuit which supplies the various heat emitters : heating floor, water radiators...
To find out more, read our article 11 reasons to choose a heat pump for your new house in Gironde.
Aerothermal and geothermal energy: efficient heat pumps
The aerothermal heat pump adapted to the South-West
La Aerothermal heat pump is the most commonly installed, as it is suitable for most new houses. The outdoor unit is installed discreetly against a wall of the house and recovers the free calories present in the outside air. Her yield is quite large, usually between 3 and 4. This means that for a kWh of electricity consumed, it restores between 3 and 4 Kwh of heat. However, its performance is variable depending on the outside temperature. However, it is a system well suited to our departments in South West where the thermometer rarely drops below zero.
The very economical geothermal heat pump in central heating
La geothermal heat pump is more efficient. It captures the calories present in the ground or the water table (we then speak of Air/water heat pump). More expensive, its installation is however more delicate because it is necessary to set up a collection network more than one meter underground. Moreover, this solution is not suitable for all lands because in most cases (horizontal collectors), the surface of buried collectors is quite large (1.5 times the surface of the house to be heated). Benefiting from a constant soil temperature throughout the year, it offers excellent yields and very low energy consumption for the heating and hot water. Its COP is usually between 3 and 5.
Heating, hot water and summer cooling
One of the great advantages is that we are talking about Reversible heat pumps. This means that in summer the system is reversed. Cold water circulates through your heat emitters to lower temperatures inside the home. More comfortable and discreet than a air conditioning, this function is particularly valuable when the house is equipped with a refreshing heated floor.
For more information, read our article on the advantages and disadvantages of underfloor heating in new homes.
Wood-fired central heating
Wood energy an abundant resource in the South-West
Se heating with wood is an excellent alternative to fossil fuels, since it is a renewable energy. As electricity prices soar, many are turning towood energy, local resourcee abundant in our regions of South West. Even if the wood heating rejects carbon during combustion, and emits fine particles during combustion, it remains a renewable energy, valued by the RE2020. In fact, wood stores energy throughout its growth and releases it when it burns. In this title. Her carbon footprint is therefore zero. Moreover, its cost is relatively stable and low.
The pellet boiler is an efficient piece of equipment
To be considered a mode of main heater of the house, a wood heating must be equipped with a regulation. A requirement which the pellet boiler. Indeed, the wood pellet authorizes a automatic feeding of the boiler. The regulation makes it possible to anticipate temperature variations in order to guarantee constant heat in the dwelling. It is thus as efficient and comfortable as a gas boiler and alone provides all of the heating andhot water from new house without drudgery of wood. You just need to connect the boiler to the hot water tank. Depending on the size of the hopper, its autonomy can reach one year. The investment, more important than other solutions, quickly pays for itself. This heating mode remains one of the most economical. Attention however, strong of its assets, the wood pellet today is experiencing a strong enthusiasm and a shortage as explained this article from the midday dispatch.
Solar heating in new homes
Le solar heating works thanks to thermal solar panels installed on the roof. These use solar radiation to heat the water in a hot water tank. THE Combined Solar System (SSC) is both capable of storing, in the same tank, domestic hot water on one side and that of the heating circuit the other. This energy is totally free, but it does not meet all the needs all year round. It is generally believed that in the South West, Combined Solar System can cover nearly 60% of heating needs of a hearth. Providing a free heat, its profitability will be particularly visible with the increase in the cost of energy.
A supplement, provided by a insert, un stove, a boiler or a pompe à chaleur is however essential for days without sun.