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New house: which water heater in the Southwest?

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Today a new house consumes very little energy. These very well insulated houses have greatly reduced their heating needs. In this context, the water heater becomes one of the main sources of expenditure in Energy of a dwelling. Choosing the right equipment is therefore essential. But how to choose? Boiler, hot water tank, use ofEnergy renewable ? What are the best choices of water heaters in the South West ? Maisons Sic helps you take stock.

Boiler or hot water tank, which water heater in the South West?

Water heaters in the South-West: The boiler is an economical piece of equipment

The boiler: two-in-one equipment

Boilers are equipment that provides both heating and the production ofhot water. Oil or gas boilers have the advantage of producing instant hot water. No wasted energy since these devices heat water on demand.

Various energy sources for heating water

A boiler can be powered by various energy sources. Fuel oil, gas, but also renewable energies such as wood, wood pellet thus offering a very practical energy.


South West water heater: wood pellet boilers operate automatically.

Gas and fuel boiler soon prohibited

If you feel like you want to take the gas boilers and fuel were until now very popular equipment in the individual house, they will be prohibited from 1er January 2022, as explained in this article from the website What to choose.

Water heaters in the South West: The cumulus stores water

The cumulus, a solution that goes everywhere

A hot water tank is a solution that stores water heated by an energy source. Its size is not too large since it is easily hidden in a closet. Running wholly or partly on electricity, it can be installed anywhere.

The disadvantages of cumulus clouds

The size of the hot water tank is calculated according to the needs and therefore the number of people present in the accommodation. However, this number can vary over time, which can cause discomfort (not enough hot water) or loss of energy.

Whatever its terrain, the cumulus is a solution that can be installed in all new houses.


Renewable energies to heat water in the South West

Are renewable energies for heating water mandatory in new homes?

La RT 2012 imposes the use of renewable energies in construction new. But not necessarily to heat hot water. Everyone is free to choose, but in practice, heating the water in a hot water tank using renewable energies is a simple solution to implement. in the new house. These are affordable solutions that pay for themselves fairly quickly thanks to energy savings observed.

See our article: How to approach the construction of an ecological house in the South-West?

Water heaters in the South West: The thermodynamic water heater a popular solution

The thermodynamic water heater the star of water heaters in individual houses

Today, the vast majority of new homes are equipped with a thermodynamic water tank. It is a hot water tank connected to a small pompe à chaleur. The latter uses the calories present in the air to heat the water in the tank.

The heat pump water heater: saving money

Un thermodynamic water heater (CETI) is chosen according to its coefficient of performance or COP. A COP of 3 means that for 1 kWh of electricity consumed, the heat pump will restore 3 kWh of energy in the form of domestic hot water. This results in more energy than is actually consumed. Compared to a electric cumulus classic reductions in energy consumption can reach 70%.

The thermodynamic water heater: an ecological solution

The use of renewable energies preserves the planet's resources. In addition, it emits less greenhouse gases than devices that use fossil fuels.


Different types of CETIs

In renovation, the CETI on ambient air is the most used. However, it leads to overconsumption of heating. Also in the new house, the ideal is the CETI on outdoor air. One of the units, installed on the front, draws calories from the outside air to heat the water in the tank.


The efficient thermodynamic water heater in the South-West

This equipment is very suitable in the departments of the South-West. Indeed, its coefficient of performance deteriorates when the temperatures are very low. A disadvantage which is not seen much in the South-West since Gironde up to the Haute Garonne going through the Gers, the thermometer rarely displays temperatures below 0°C as can be seen on this page on French climates.

The solar apnneaux are easily installed on the tiled roofs of the South-West

Water heaters in the South West: The solar water heater an ideal solution but little used

The solar water heater isthe most ecological solution

Solar energy is the favorite renewable energy of the French. Free and abundant in our regions, solar energy is perfect for heating water in the Southwest. The principle is the same as that of a garden hose left in direct sunlight. Water heats up in the same way in thermal solar panels located on the roof and heats the water in a storage tank. In the absence of sun, an electrical resistance generally takes over.

Solar water heater reduces bills

As for the thermodynamic water heater, the annual expenditure devoted to domestic hot water is greatly reduced compared to a conventional cumulus. The domestic hot water bill is reduced by 50 to 70%.

The solar water heater, an ideal solution for heating water in the South West

In the South-West, a well-sized solar water heater can cover up to 80% of annual domestic hot water needs. In summer, almost 100% of the needs are met by this equipment.

See our article: Reduce the bill with solar energy in the South West

Some disadvantages of the solar water heater

The main disadvantage is that it is an energy that is not always available. Thus, depending on the weather, the bill may increase.

Then, the installation of thermal solar panels generally requires a roof without shadows and facing south. If this configuration is not possible, the manufacturer may nevertheless find other solutions such as increasing the size of solar collectors on the roof.

Smarter water heaters

Connected water heaters to lower the electricity bill

Many devices are connected today, and the water heater is no exception. The most recent equipment can thus be scheduled to use electricity only at certain times (when it is the cheapest). Then it is possible to control your water heater remotely to turn it on when you return from vacation, for example.

Smart water heaters to increase comfort

Finally, some water heaters are said to be smart. They adjust the water temperature according to the observed needs. Indeed, the returned water being at 40°, hotter water will allow a greater quantity of water to be available. It thus becomes possible to manage contingencies, or to create scenarios when the variations are regular. For example, more people at the weekend at home.


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