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Price of a wooden house: why it costs less in the medium term

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Model House 2024 Pyrenees Florida wood 94m²

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The price of a wooden frame house is an important question when you start building your detached house. The wooden house has multiple benefits : it provides real comfort, allows a modular and light construction, wood is an ecological material, perfectly insulating and resistant to bad weather… But what is the price of a wooden house, in particular compared to a house of traditional construction? Maisons SIC, manufacturer for 50 years of wooden houses in the Southwest, gives you all the answers around the price of a timber frame house.  


What is the price per m2 of a wooden house in Gironde? 

Even today, the wooden house represents only a very small part of the market for the construction of individual houses. It is wrongly criticized for prices that are thought to be very high because of an elitist material. A false truth that denies Cédric Leman, head of wood projects at Maisons Sic : “Elitist the wooden house? No ! Prices are only 8 to 10% more expensive than traditional construction. Especially since the additional cost could be offset by the energy savings and the year-round comfort provided by the wooden house.” 

House model 2024 Aloha 131m²

But concretely, what is the price of a wooden house? In the wood line of Maisons Sic, the wooden house starts at 1550 € per m2.  For a very contemporary model like theAloha and an area of ​​131 m2, prices start at 250 euros excluding land.”


The different elements of the price of a wooden house

But beware, if the price of a wooden house can turn out to be 5% to 10% more expensive when buying it than a masonry house, this will also depend on different elements: the construction system chosen (frame industrialized, CLT, beam posts, stacked logs), surface area, architecture, energy performance, equipment, services and guarantees offered by the professional.

In general, prices will start at 600 €/m² for an entry-level wooden house. You should count around 1 €/m² for a mid-range house and around 000 – 3 €/m² for a high-end one. 

To help you see more clearly, here is an indicative price table published by Build Your House :  

how much does a wooden house cost?

The wooden house therefore remains very accessible when one opts for construction and these models of individual houses, no longer at all elitist, are becoming more and more democratized. 


A lower price due to a shorter construction time for a wooden house

The construction time of a wooden house is much shorter than that of a masonry house. Building a wooden house then becomes less costly in terms of time. The wooden house does not require drying time and its manufacture begins upstream of its construction. Indeed, the structure that supports a wooden house is generally already assembled in the workshop. The walls and the framework are also manufactured in the factory and the panels assembled directly on site. It therefore often takes less than 6 months to build a wooden house, which therefore greatly reduces the cost of labour. 


An ecological wooden house with low energy consumption: for future savings

Does a wooden house save energy?

Always according to CEdric Leman, the wooden house in New Aquitaine is a little more expensive than the traditional version: “when the traditional announces 1400 euros per m2, I am at 1550 or 1600”. But, in the long term, it is important to take into account that it will allow significant energy savings and will become more economical to use.

Indeed, a wooden frame house will benefit from double insulation: one in wood wool between the frame and a second on the inside. Thus eliminating thermal bridges, the low-carbon wooden house consumes very little energy for heating. And the reinforcement of the requirements in terms of insulation brought by the RE 2020, will further reduce the energy bill, especially if you opt for the wooden house. 

The cost of a wooden house is therefore smoothed over time and the price of the wooden house turns out to be lower in the medium term.. Rich in energy and thermal performance higher than a masonry construction, the wooden frame house, even if it is not necessarily passive or low consumption (BBC), allows significant savings in terms of energy consumption. , summer, like winter. In summer, the wood keeps the house (therefore no need for air conditioning) and in winter, this material with low thermal inertia will heat the volumes of the house much faster than a brick house. 


Help to build a wooden house

If you decide to build a wooden house, you will have access to many financial aids. First-time buyers can thus subscribe a PTZ (zero rate loan), depending on means testing and the composition of the household. This price can finance part of the cost of the construction, only if it constitutes the main residence. 

The most modest households can also claim the PAS (social accession loan), which can here fully finance the construction.

It is also possible to benefit from a home savings loan from a housing savings plan (PEL) or a housing savings account (CEL). The maximum loan amount is then €92 repayable between 000 and 2 years. 

Housing Action Loan, formerly called "1% Housing", concerns all employees of private companies with more than ten people, as well as employees of agricultural companies with at least 50 employees and paying a contribution to the construction effort (PEAEC). For private companies with more than 10 employees, the maximum loan amount is €40 and it must remain less than or equal to 000% of the overall cost of the project.


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