THEsolar energy South West is the ally of the new house. This renewable energy and free, is used to heat the water, the house and to produce electricity.
Solar energy in the South West: an ecological source of energy
Free to use, available, non-polluting, solar energy is therenewable energy par excellence. And good news, Toulouse, Bordeaux , On the Arcachon bay or in Landes, it can cover a large part of the needs of the house both in terms of heating whether Electricity supply. While the residential sector is today responsible for 33% of national annual greenhouse gas emissions, using solar energy also means reducing its impact on the planet.
RT 2012 encourages the use of solar energy in new homes
La thermic regulation requires the use of renewable energy. Along with other sources used such as the wood energy, or theaerothermal,solar energy meets the requirements of RT 2012. They can be used in two ways: to heat theHot water or to produce electricity yourself.
Eventually, the next thermal regulations should even favor the positive energy building ou Bepos. These are homes that are expected to produce more energy than they consume.
Solar energy in the Southwest to heat the house
Solar energy used by BBC homes
The sun is arguably the best heater, and it's free. Today, thermal regulations, known as RT 2012, require the construction of houses that consume very little energy for heating. We call them BBC houses ou low energy buildings. These houses take advantage of the slightest ray of sunshine to heat naturally. The secret? Openings on the south facade let the sun into the house. Good insulation and inertia keep it as long as possible and finally controlled ventilation limits losses due to air renewal.
Some houses, called passive houses, go even much further since they can do without any heating system. And thanks to the sun!
For further information, see the article by maisons Sic : RT 2012: What implications for the construction of my house in the South West?
Solar energy in the Southwest for free hot water

What is a solar water heater?
Le individual solar water heater ou THIS is a solution that heats domestic hot water using solar energy. Existing for many years, this technology is now reliable and durable.
In the South-West, a well-sized solar water heater can cover up to 80% of annual domestic hot water needs. If in winter, the auxiliary energy is really necessary to heat the water, on sunny days, the sun can provide all the hot water needs.

The solar water heater is an ecological and economical equipment
The individual solar water heater consumes very little electricity for its operation. In addition, it does not emit CO2 or pollutants when it works.
to go further, it is even possible to use hot water heated free of charge by the sun to supply the washing machine and the dishwasher. This avoids having to rely too much on the resistors of these very energy-intensive machines and saving even more on your electricity bills.
How does the solar water heater work?
The solar thermal collectors are placed on the roof of the new house. Enclosed in an independent circuit, a fluid then heats up in the panels on the roof. It then transmits the recovered calories to the hot water tank, then returns to the panels.
Of course, when the sun is not there, the water heater continues to operate, but this time thanks to electrical energy.
What orientation for my solar panels in the southwest?
The ideal is a south-facing roof with an inclination of 30 to 45°. It is at this time that the returns are the best. But in sunny regions, it is not necessarily necessary to have this type of roof to obtain optimal yields. Sensors (from 2 to 4 m2 depending on the orientation of the roof) can ensure the supply of domestic hot water despite a roof oriented from east to west and an inclination of 30 to 60°.
Your constructor Maisons Sic will help you size your installation according to the location of the house and the needs of the family.
Solar energy in the Southwest to produce electricity

What is photovoltaic energy?
The photovoltaic effect was discovered by Becquerel in 1839. Certain materials such as silicon generate electricity when they receive sunlight.
Thus, the photovoltaic cells of solar panels directly convert solar energy into electricity, in the form of direct current, without polluting or producing greenhouse gases.
Photovoltaic panels are interesting in the South-West
Photovoltaic panels generally take place on the roof of the house. It is sufficient for this that the roof is not shaded by a tree for example.
The orientation of the roof is even more important than for thermal solar panels. the ideal is once again the south, south-east or south-west orientations. When the orientation, or the slope of the roof is not optimal, it will be necessary to provide a larger surface of panels to obtain the same quantity of electrical energy.
At Maisons Sic photovoltaic panels will generally be fixed over a pitched roof.
Virtually visit our showroom here to find out how we install photovoltaic panels on the roof. This 2000m2 exhibition will also explain to you all of our constructive choices.

Auto-consume or resell its electricity production
The installation can be used for your own consumption. This solution allows great energy savings, but does not cover all the needs. Indeed, the hours when the panels produce the most (in the afternoon), are also those when the least energy is consumed. EDF nevertheless estimates a decrease in energy consumption by 40%. It is also possible to store the energy produced, but it will also be necessary to install a storage system.
If you sell the energy produced, two meters are installed in your home. Every year, you send your bill to the producer who buys your electricity.