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Land overlooked: how to protect your house?

land near building.

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A plot of land overlooked should not make you abandon your project. construction in urban areas. There is a whole range of solutions to protect you from a building which overlooks the land you want, or from a neighbor's window which looks straight onto your future terrace. From adapting the plan of the house, to plantings, through blackout solutions, here are 7 ways to isolate yourself from the view of your neighbors.

Adapt the construction to the terrain with vis-à-vis

The presence of an opposite is one of the first things that your individual house builder. If the orientation of the house like the shape of the building are generally chosen to maximize solar input and limit energy consumption, it is also a question of guaranteeing the privacy of the inhabitants. Thus, the professional will identify the views of the interior of the house as well as the garden and will offer you suitable solutions. A L-shaped house or an U-shaped house, the creation of a floor, a patio or the location of the garage will be among the solutions to guarantee a terrace and an interior sheltered from view.

To go further, read our article: “ House plan: The benefits of building a U-shaped house and layout ideas to consider »

Plan your garden

Once the shape of the house has been defined, the garden must be protected. The idea is not to create high walls that feel stifling, but to provide areas sheltered from view. Make a plan for your garden. Imagine and place the living areas that you want to protect: the terrace, the dining area, the sunbathing area or the children's play area. Then determine the height and positioning of the concealment solutions to use to protect you from prying eyes from the neighborhood.

To find out more, see the article: “ The steps to lay out your garden at the time of construction »

A bioclimatic pergola against the opposite
The pergola is a clever structure to protect from plunging views.


What solutions for land with plunging views

A building overlooks your future home? Of course, this is not ideal, but it is not inevitable. Shade sails, the creation of a pergola above the terrace or the planting of a tree with dense foliage will provide significant shelter and also protect from the sun in summer. In winter, when the desire to be outside is less pressing, the sails are put away, and the leaves of the trees fall to make way for natural light. There bioclimatic pergola, which shelters views and sunlight on demand, multiplies the advantages of protecting yourself from prying eyes without depriving the house of light.

To go further, read the article: 10 questions to ask yourself when choosing the right building plot for your house »

Land overlooked: Conceal on request

To protect yourself from prying eyes, it is also possible to use retractable solutions. Blinds, side protections, parasols offer great freedom without reducing the light inside the house, nor reducing the views of the surrounding landscape.

Place privacy screens in strategic locations

Un view breeze is a solution intended both to create privacy and visually demarcate a space. Generally placed on posts, it is installed near the area to be protected. A more economical solution than a blackout fence all around the garden. Decorative, this panel can also serve as a support for climbing plants and structure your garden.

curtains on the windows
Curtains and sheers are the first solutions to filter natural light and protect from outside eyes.

How to protect the interior of the house from prying eyes?

Overlooking the street or the neighbor's house, certain windows deserve to be protected. Against the plunging views, one can imagine caps and roof overhangs. but most of the time, simple curtains will be enough to guarantee the privacy of the house without losing light. It is sometimes necessary to install blackout glazing. THE frosted glazing are perfectly suited to a bathroom to preserve light while keeping out unwanted glances. However, this solution is not suitable for a living room. Films transforming your windows into one-way mirrors allow us to see without being seen. They offer great visual comfort, even if they darken the room a little.

Fences, palings and hedges around the property

Fences can also be used to protect the house from view. For this a minimum height of 175 cm is necessary. If according to the regulations the maximum heights are 3,20 meters in towns with more than 50.000 inhabitants and 2,60 m in other localities, however, be careful with fences that are too high which can create a feeling of suffocation and limit solar gain. . It is better to multiply the solutions. Wooden or brick fences, plant hedges and claustra can thus alternate in complete harmony to avoid monotony.

To go further read the article: “ How to fence the land of your new house? »


Finally, the presence of an opposite offers a challenge and forces you to think quickly about your exterior. This constraint can be transformed into an opportunity to offer you a lively and varied exterior.


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